Looking for cannabis and hemp real estate listings near North Barrington, Illinois? Look no further than 420 Property! Our platform allows you to easily search or list properties specifically tailored to the cannabis and hemp industry. Whether you're looking for land, warehouses, or commercial spaces, we have a wide range of listing types to suit your needs. Our listings include properties suitable for cultivation, manufacturing, retail, and more. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily browse through the available options and find the perfect property for your cannabis or hemp business. Don't miss out on this opportunity to find the ideal location for your venture in North Barrington, Illinois. Start your search on 420 Property today!
1440 Rand Rd, Des Plaines, IL, USA
🚨 Calling all BLS-5 Illinois Operators! 🚨 Cannabis Dispensary Property for Lease! GET OPEN QUICK ⏳ 1440 Rand Rd. Des Plaines, IL 60016
3325 Sheridan Road, Zion, IL, USA
Single tenant Retail Building. 136 feet of Sheridan Frontage. Ample parking. High traffic volume. 19.7 Thousand Vehicles per day drive by. The Buildin